Thursday, June 14, 2012

Gentle Reminder: Life is Short ~ Use the Good China!

Yesterday, I had a meeting with a friend. We chatted about this and that. She mentioned she had sold her family silver "because I never use it and it was just collecting dust."

I've really been pondering that. Not so much the selling the silver but the "saving things for good" aspect of the conversation. I can think of lots of reasons in this economy to sell things of value to eke out another day, another week or another month. That's not what I'm talking about here.

I was thinking about "saving things for good" while I was ironing napkins this weekend (I know, I know, crazy woman). I love cloth napkins. I never buy paper napkins. While they aren't terribly expensive, they seem like a profound waste of resources. Cloth napkins seem like a small luxury and are used for years over and over again. 

When I was getting things out to make interesting tableaux for "French Toast," I was reminded again of the importance of treating ourselves, treating our families and treating our friends. I mean, really, no one is getting out of here alive. What better place to spend your resources, fortune and attention on than those you love?

Today, especially, I was thinking of my friend Sally who is so worried about her daughter. She absolutely spends her resources, fortune and attention on her beloved daughter. There's a good lesson there.

I was thinking that treating those you love like they are special actually becomes a habit.

I love it when the boys come home and we work together to get a meal ready. When it's time to set the table, they go automatically to the buffet and the stack of ironed napkins. They know the ironed napkins are there for them to use ~ we're not saving them for some nebulous time and guest in the future.

Occasionally, as we're pulling out the freshly ironed napkins, someone will demur. Then we have to go into the whole damn pageant of "don't make me move my neck! Use the blasted napkin. We're not putting on the dog. We use these every day. (ehem) So . . . enjoy!"

Probably not such a good idea that people feel they have to take a napkin 'cuz they're sure their life is in danger. We may have to reevaluate our response. In the interim ~

A gentle reminder ~

Life is short ~ use the good china!

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