Monday, April 16, 2012

Not the $2000 Mirror

A few days ago, I received about six pounds of Restoration Hardware catalogues in the mail. Over the years, as a designer, I've purchased a number of items there. Not much of late. You remember the economic downturn? It definitely put a crimp in my Restoration Hardware budget.

Rococo Floral Etched Mirror

But, I digress. So, I was leafing through the biggest of the three catalogues when I stopped. Whoa, that mirror looks kindah familiar. Mmmm, where have I seen it? OMG ~ it's my bathroom mirror ~ the one I bought a thousand years ago at Deluxe Junk in Fremont for a coupla hundred dollars.

Holy cow! The Restoration Hardware mirror is $2595. OK, OK, it's on sale for $2119. But, still not even in the same county as free.
Let's see ~ the same beautiful shape; the same polka-dotty edge banding; the same deep bevel. Mine is slightly smaller than the Restoration Hardware gem ~ about 10 inches shorter but still a complete showstopper. Oh, and mine did meet with what I would affectionately call an industrial accident when it was taken down to access the plumbing in the wall behind it and got knocked over by wrestling cats, but, other than that ~ bingo. A match. And, as I recall, about $1800 less than the Restoration Hardware beauty.

The lesson really is ~ keep your eyes open. If you do, you are likely to find a gem ~ they are out there.

Oh, and the little pink button tucked into the edge of the mirror? One day during my campaign for Congress (that's a story in itself), my campaign manager came in, walked over and never saying a word, pinned it on my lapel. I've had it every since. It's good to remind yourself every day how special you are in the universe. It's easy to forget.

Day 12 Everyday Grateful ~ spent the day on the lake
working on my video for Kickstarter.  

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