Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Summer Garden Wedding Reception ~ The Planning Continues . . .

Well, the planning for my goddaughter's wedding reception this summer continues. There was a bit of a hiatus since last I posted. Linsi is a baseball coach at a regional community college. She's been up to her nose in sports, recruiting for next year, working her second job and setting up her newly married life. Lots of things on that girl's plate.

Yesterday, we took a field trip to the meadow she has reserved for their reception. It's in a lovely older area of the north end of Seattle. The glen is surrounded on all sides by smaller bungalows. The residents were there for the yearly clean-up. Trees were being trimmed, brush was being cleared, the sun was doing its shiniest best and Linsi and I were going over the options.

The approach to the reception is lovely. The streets are narrow and deeply wooded with intersections that gently curve. No aggressive 90 degree angles here! No sidewalks either which may or may not be a good thing.

The path to the meadow is an unpaved, gentle slope shaded with old cedar, firs, rhododendron, Oregon grape, salal, Madrone trees. We may hang colourful banners along the path.

Serendipitously, the work party had cleared a path to the meadow, so the access will be easy and obvious. No need for the magic marker sign with arrow and balloon.

By the end of August, the grass will only be green along the edges where the trees shade the grass. So, we will be dealing with a nice toasty wheat coloured surface. 

We don't know what we will do with the very cool 50's backstop. Something fun, no doubt. I'll keep you posted.

Once everyone is here, Linsi and Brandon plan to have a small ceremony of sorts at the beginning of the reception in the mythical tent we are trying to obtain. That requires an entrance of sorts. We like the two old trees as the focal point of that entrance.

Now, that we have time, full attention and the lay of the land, it's going to be full-tilt, nonstop flurry of activity to get this ready for their big day the end of the summer. This reception will be just like Linsi and Brandon ~ friendly, casual, festive and fun. Not too much Martha but lovely none the less, I'm sure.

Day 35 Everyday Grateful ~
Slept in, read in bed, misty Seattle day. Lovely. 

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