Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Summer Garden Reception ~ More News . . .

So, on Wednesday, Linsi (my goddaughter) and I went field tripping.

She is very interested in having a completely casual wedding reception ~ sort of like a beautiful picnic.

"Are you thinking picnic as in people might sit on the grass, kindah picnic?" I asked.

"Yes, casual, tropical, bright, kids, friends. You know, friendly," she replied.

"So, what are you thinking these casual friendly people will sit on?" I wondered out loud.

"Mmmmm, I don't know. What do you think?" she said lobbing the ball firmly back into my court.

"Well, we'd need several sit-upons, as in many. We need something "theme-y" and not expensive. We don't want to blow a lot of dough on something you won't use again. But, we also don't want our sit-upons to be depressing. We want them to appear to be thought out. and part of the greater whole."

In the back of my mind, I went over all the options I could think of that were festive and not a lot of dough. We really couldn't "buy" anything. No heading to Goodwill or other of that ilk. Then, I remembered my friend Sally and her and my friend Liz who is the queen of all things found, salvage and one-of-a-kind. I recall she had mentioned she had a basement full of fabric she was selling by the pound.

I sent her an email:

Hey Hun ~
   Do you still have fabric by the pound? If so, I'd like to come by to see about making some table cloths and sit-upons for my goddaughter's wedding reception.
   Let me know ~

I'm up to my eyeballs in fabric but we are in SF this week. Call next Sunday. Liz

Hi Dear – I’m back and looking to unload a mountain of fabric. Come visit and we’ll have a cup of coffee while you peruse the offerings. Liz

Hi Ho Hun ~
   Are you available on Wednesday (sort of anytime but not real early and not real late ~ traffic, yah know) for Linsi and me to come look at your fabric? We field tripped this weekend to the meadow where the reception is planned and have some ideas for using your fabric.
   Whaddahyah think? Available?
   Tah ~

Come do your part to unbury me of fabric. I think I have lots of stuff you can use for tablecloths for your niece's wedding. Liz;-)

Absolutely. I have nothing scheduled so you name the time.
And, so we did. What a really fun field trip.
When we arrived at Liz's home, I was reminded again about how wonderful it is to see the artfulness of others. Everything was fully realized. The approach to her home is a generous and friendly; spunky and vibrant; personal and interesting.

And, boy howdy, does she have fabric! She surmised it was from a person who quilted. Sort of 2 yard pieces in a wide array of patterns and colours. Lots to choose from.

Linsi set the tone. She and Brandon got married on the beach in Hawai'i. She gravitated to classic tropical cotton prints.

We made a first cut selection. Then, we went over all the ones that she liked at first blush and decided on the patterns and colours that best represented a tropical theme to her.

With our final selections weighed and paid for, we loaded everything up and brought them to my house. Can you say "work party"?

The concept is to make 48" square sit-upons. Pattern top / solid back scattered around the meadow under market umbrellas and use the patterned squares as table toppers over plain floor length table cloths. The jury is out but the potential is promising.

I'll keep you posted!

P.S. Yes, don't worry. We're going to have chairs, too!

Day 36 Everyday Grateful ~
Started out misty.
 Ended up blue skies, fluffy clouds.
A perfect Seattle day. Lovely.

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