Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day ~ Lessons and Insights

Mother's Day ~ the boys are out of town. The Bear called from Milan for a 45 minute chat. Talked with my little granddaughter; heard that the Dracula pop-up book I bought her a couple of years ago is her favourite bedtime story! Yikes. It's got a middle page of a gnashing, very terrifying wolf who pops out 6" when you open the book flat. And, the more you flex the covers, the more he snaps his jaws! When I bought it, I thought it was fantastic . . . but, then I was worried about its being too scary for the grands. Who knew!

Logan called from Portland. He's getting ready to come to town for Rent this summer. Both the boys will be here in August along with my lovely daughter-in-law and the grands. My daughter-in-law spent the weekend in Paris with a group of friends she met in her ex-pat mothers' group in Milan. Paris in May. Niiiice! The Bear said, it's like flying from Seattle to Portland ~ $40. I had to remind him, it's nothing like flying to Portland. For $40, it's cheaper to fly to Paris than to stay in Milan!

Oh, this wonderful generation of children.

I was thinking of my mother and my friends who are mothers; all the things I've learned from these wonderful women in my life.

My mother was S*M*A*R*T, she was extremely well-read, inquisitive, discerning, supportive, had an eye for detail and was a total man magnet.

My friend Barb is S*M*A*R*T, a true and generous friend. Has a perfect sense of what she calls being a goalie. When I run a problem past her, she gives me insight into how to avoid disaster from the start. I learned how to prepare a complete meal from her. She's extemely well-read, interested in philosophy and why people do things. She has a full-body laugh, a full-body hug and a ready smile. And, she's a total man magnet!

My friend Audrey is  S*M*A*R*T. She has saved my bacon more than once. She is generous. She does things I admire and have never done ~ a book club, an art workshop in France, for instance. She on a continual search for her path to art. She lives her values, has a darling sense of humour and, is a total man magnet.

I'm sensing a pattern.

My friend, Marylou, my friend, Mary, my friend, Susan, my friend, Marie, my friend, Sally ~ all S*M*A*R*T women of substance, generous with their time and energy. Women who live their values; lead full and interesting lives and are life-long learners. Inspirational all. Women who have raised accomplished children, overcome very difficult events with grace and optimism.

What a great Mother's Day ~ all things I needed to remember.

Day 31 Everyday Grateful ~
Talked with Barb about when to cut her daffodils.
Sent the photos of braiding the leaves
until they dry. I was reminded of the
little blue plants that have
naturalised in my yard. I love them!
I wait until they are completely through
flowering before I cut the grass
 in the lower garden. I have this romantic notion
 it looks like a Little Woodland Glen
and not a complete mess! 
So much of life is perception.
Sheets hanging in the sun to dry.

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