Sunday, April 12, 2020

Hello, Again ~ COVID 19 Chronicles

Lots of changes we are getting used to.
Yes, the libraries are closed. But, their books are still available on line. Just filled my Kindle. Friends of mine are accessing their music, podcasts, etc. through their phones. Shout-out to librarians everywhere. 
I will miss going to my neighborhood library or speaking with a librarian on the "quick answer" line, but am happy our library system is still available to us.
When I hear people complain about high property taxes, I am reminded of our parks, our schools, our libraries, and, now, our hospitals. I am reminded of the old adage ~ Taxes are the price of civilization. I'm counting on civilization to get us through this crisis. Thank you to Jay Inslee for his calm, steady, science-based response to this virus.
So, as we wade our way through a new, uncharted, normal, hang in there peeps! Remember ~ This is America! We've been to the moon (using our brains, slide rules, crew cuts, skinny ties, and pocket protectors). 
We're going to get through this TOGETHER as well. Wash your hands, put your feet up, curl up on the sofa, and read a book!
Or, grab your book and go sit on your back deck. It's a lovely blue sky day in the neighborhood!
Every day grateful

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