Sunday, April 12, 2020

In Praise of the Nightstand

So, the thing I've noticed about remaining "artist in residence" is every day feels like a Saturday. Kindah nice. Kindah weird. I feel like I should be doing something, you know ~ the things you put on the list so you can hope-against-hope you can get them done over the weekend so you can start the work week with a clean slate; knowing full well you will be lucky to get one done and two is a miracle. I know you knew . . .
Well, today, I watered my Victory Garden and all my other pots, hung my speakers out the window in my studio this morning to broadcast Andrea Bocelli's concert from the Duomo in Milan (cried through the whole thing), and decided to start washing windows.
While I was deciding to start, I thought I'd go downstairs and make my bed.
And, there it was! My nightstand.
Filthy, disgusting mess does not even begin to describe it. Wrappers, kleenex, dead pens, dead pencils, scraps of paper with very old lists of things to do on them, and DUST. DUST thick enough to be practically soil! With a just little water, potatoes could be planted there. Ugh!
You know it's bad when it takes TIME to clear off your nightstand. I didn't even go through the stuff. Just put it all in a bag to deal with later (I promise).
Dusting. Shining. Polishing. Flowers from the garden. Things I actually use arranged at the ready.
The will to live restored!
Behold! The nightstand!
Every day grateful

Happy Easter

My family often communicates with movie quotes. I think it's a shorthand reminder of fun. We have several favorite movies ~ my boys are genius for remembering entire scenes. Needless to say, dinners are totally fun. I never know whether we're going to be treated to Princess Bride or Henry V. Adore them. Life with the boys is a totally wonderful adventure!
Anyway, I have a shop. A real, completely amazing shop with its own back door, potting sink and extra-large, red-enamel Sears rolling tool chest. It's an amazing space or it would be if it weren't heaped and heaped. It's gotten so bad, we now refer to it as The Well of Despair (a la Princess Bride).
Well, yesterday, I wanted to make Easter baskets for friends and, well, apparently, that is not an essential reason to leave the house.
Hark! The Well of Despair.
It really does have at least one of everything. There must be something in here I can use to make Easter baskets.
And, there was . . . shredded paper (for grass), kraft "take-out" containers (for baskets), some gold/black raffia ribbon, back-to-back shiny gold hearts and some Cadbury eggs. Voila!
Happy Easter, everyone!
Every day grateful

Hello, Again ~ COVID 19 Chronicles

Lots of changes we are getting used to.
Yes, the libraries are closed. But, their books are still available on line. Just filled my Kindle. Friends of mine are accessing their music, podcasts, etc. through their phones. Shout-out to librarians everywhere. 
I will miss going to my neighborhood library or speaking with a librarian on the "quick answer" line, but am happy our library system is still available to us.
When I hear people complain about high property taxes, I am reminded of our parks, our schools, our libraries, and, now, our hospitals. I am reminded of the old adage ~ Taxes are the price of civilization. I'm counting on civilization to get us through this crisis. Thank you to Jay Inslee for his calm, steady, science-based response to this virus.
So, as we wade our way through a new, uncharted, normal, hang in there peeps! Remember ~ This is America! We've been to the moon (using our brains, slide rules, crew cuts, skinny ties, and pocket protectors). 
We're going to get through this TOGETHER as well. Wash your hands, put your feet up, curl up on the sofa, and read a book!
Or, grab your book and go sit on your back deck. It's a lovely blue sky day in the neighborhood!
Every day grateful